Taino Creation Story

ART THAT INFORMS Our Yamaye Story: What we may not know... Top : The early Taíno were excellent artists. Here Guabance x as the Taíno Hurakan or hurricane with their example of her ceramic image on the sculpture's hands. (Wall sculpture by the author) . Below : A Maya glyph of Ixchel, goddess of childbirth . Used by Washington, DC’s now-closed iconic Fondo del Sol, Museo Multicultural as their logo for 40 years. We have changed Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day on the second Monday of October. And November is National Native American Heritage Month. But is this enough? Question: What do you know about Amerindian History and Culture? This should be the burning question especially answered during National Native American Heritage Month… and beyond! So here through art , is an overview of the first people of the Encounter period whose culture had the greatest impact worldwide beginning in the 15th century. We still enjoy many...